Restaurant SitteKarlstraße 15 64285 Darmstadt06151-22 2 22
Opening hours daily 12.00pm - 9.30pm
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On the second floor over of our restaurant we have four different conference rooms.
You can get your personal offer instantly through our conference configurator
On the second floor over our restaurant are our conference rooms.
The largest conference room "Franz" offers room for 35 guests. It is equipped with beamer and audio system.
The conference room "Anton" can either be used for networking with comfortable couches or be used as a conference for up to 15 guests.
Our conference room "Thekla" offers room for small meetings for up to eight guests.
Lounge "Emilia" is available for welcoming your guests or your coffee break with bar tables.
Ein Grundriss der Tagungsebene im 1. Obergeschoss über dem Restaurant Sitte.
Bennannt sind unsere Tagungsräume nach:
1 Franz Josef Sitte (1865 – 1943) 2 Anton Sitte (1869 – ?), Bruder 3 Thekla Sitte (1876 – 1929), Ehefrau 4 Emilia Sitte (1898 – 1980), Tochter Franz Wenzel Sitte (1827 – 1903), Vater
Here you can get an instant offer for your personalized conference setting.